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1. Ethics for Journalists

The Frontmedia Federation (FMF) is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in journalism. This code of ethics serves as a guide for journalists, outlining their fundamental duties and responsibilities to the public and ensuring the vital role of media in society.


Everyone has the right to access information and ideas, as enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This underpins the journalist's mission to serve the public with accurate, fair, and responsible reporting. A journalist's responsibility to the public takes precedence over any other obligation, including those to employers or authorities. Journalism is a profession demanding time, resources, and independence, and this code establishes core principles for journalists in all media across research, editing, dissemination, and commentary.

Core Principles:

  • Truth and Accuracy: Respect for facts and the public's right to truth is paramount. Journalists must strive for accuracy in every aspect of their work, verifying information from reliable sources and presenting it fairly and objectively.
  • Freedom and Fairness: Journalists uphold the principles of freedom in gathering and publishing news, ensuring fair comment and criticism. They clearly distinguish factual reporting from commentary and personal opinions.
  • Honesty and Transparency: Journalists report only on facts they know the origin of, avoiding the suppression of crucial information or falsification of documents. They faithfully reproduce statements and materials from non-public individuals, especially on social media.
  • Ethical Information Gathering: Journalists use only fair methods to obtain information, images, and data, identifying themselves as journalists and avoiding hidden recordings unless absolutely necessary for uncovering information of overwhelming public interest. They demand free access to information sources and the right to investigate matters of public concern.
  • Verification and Timeliness: Urgency or deadlines never override the need for verifying facts, sources, and offering the right to reply.
  • Accountability and Correction: Journalists promptly, explicitly, and comprehensively rectify any published inaccuracies.
  • Confidentiality: Journalists uphold professional secrecy regarding information obtained confidentially.
  • Privacy and Respect: Journalists respect the privacy and dignity of individuals, informing interviewees about intended publication and showing particular consideration to vulnerable individuals.
  • Non-Discrimination: Journalists ensure their reporting does not incite hatred or prejudice, actively avoiding facilitating discrimination based on any factor, including geography, social status, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, disability, political beliefs, or any other group affiliation.
  • Professional Misconduct: The FMF considers the following to be serious professional misconduct:
    • Plagiarism
    • Distortion of facts
    • Slander, libel, defamation, and unfounded accusations
  • Independence and Neutrality: Journalists avoid acting as extensions of law enforcement or other security services and only provide information already published.
  • Colleague Solidarity: Journalists stand in solidarity with colleagues while upholding their independent investigation, right to inform, and privilege of engaging in criticism, commentary, satire, and editorial choice.
  • Integrity and Conflict of Interest: Journalists use press freedom responsibly, avoiding unfair advantages or personal gain from information dissemination or non-dissemination. They avoid conflicts of interest and any activities that could compromise their professional integrity. They clearly distinguish between journalism and advertising/propaganda, and avoid insider trading and market manipulation.
  • Professional Conduct: Journalists maintain their independence by avoiding activities that compromise their ethical standing. They respect agreed-upon methods for information gathering/dissemination such as "off the record," anonymity, or embargoes, as long as such agreements are clear and unambiguous.
  • Professional Commitment: Journalists committed to this code uphold its principles faithfully and refuse to engage in professional activities or express opinions that violate their ethical convictions or conscience.
  • Self-Regulation: Journalists acknowledge the jurisdiction of independent self-regulatory bodies in matters of professional ethics, ensuring transparency and public accountability while excluding government or other external interference.

2. Policy on Sexual Harassment


The Frontmedia Federation (FMF) is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all participants in our events, activities, and workplaces. We stand firmly against sexual harassment and hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.

This policy outlines our zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment and clarifies procedures for reporting and addressing incidents.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Unwanted physical contact: Touching, pinching, stroking, squeezing, or deliberate brushing against someone.
  • Suggestive remarks or "banter": Making sexual comments, innuendos, or jokes; using sexually suggestive language.
  • Unwanted comments on appearance: Leering, ogling, making inappropriate remarks about someone's body or attire.
  • Verbal abuse: Making homophobic or sexually suggestive remarks, insults based on sex or sexuality.
  • Requests for sexual favors: Asking for sexual acts or favors in exchange for career advancement, benefits, or opportunities. Displaying pornographic material.
  • Sending unwanted sexual messages or images: via email, text, online platforms, or any other means.

Examples of Sexual Harassment:

  • A participant at an FMF event makes unwanted sexual comments to another participant.
  • A colleague at an FMF office makes jokes about another colleague's body or sexual orientation.
  • A trainer or speaker at an FMF event makes sexually suggestive remarks or displays inappropriate behavior.
  • An individual sends unwanted sexual messages or images to another FMF member.


All participants:

  • Have the right to participate in FMF events and activities free from sexual harassment.
  • Are responsible for behaving in a professional and respectful manner towards all others.
  • Are encouraged to challenge and report inappropriate language or behavior witnessed.


  • Will take all allegations of sexual harassment seriously and investigate them promptly and thoroughly.
  • Will provide confidential support and guidance to individuals who experience or witness sexual harassment.
  • Will take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have violated this policy.
  • Will regularly review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness.

Reporting Sexual Harassment:

Individuals who experience or witness sexual harassment are encouraged to report it immediately. Reports can be made:

  • Anonymously: Through our online reporting form.
  • Confidentially: To a designated FMF staff member, Executive Committee member, or Gender Council representative.
  • Directly: To the alleged perpetrator, if they feel comfortable doing so.


The FMF will treat all reports of sexual harassment with respect and confidentiality. The identity of the complainant will not be disclosed without their consent, except as required by law.

Investigation and Resolution

All reported incidents of sexual harassment will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. The FMF will follow a fair and impartial process, providing opportunities for both parties to present their perspectives.

The outcome of an investigation may result in various actions, including:

  • Disciplinary action: Up to and including termination of employment or membership.
  • Mediation: If both parties agree.
  • Other appropriate measures: To address the situation and prevent future harassment.


The FMF is committed to providing support to individuals who experience or witness sexual harassment. We offer:

  • Confidentiality: Throughout the reporting and investigation process.
  • Emotional support: From trained professionals.
  • Information and resources: To help individuals understand their rights and options.

4. Resolutions

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